Generation 1: Year 7


Baby Ponies & Pretty Pals

Babies Fleecy & Woolly, Lucky Leaf & Leafy, Pockets & Hoppy, and Stripes & Nectar

Baby Fleecy - Pussycat

Baby Woolly - Wisteria

Baby Lucky Leaf - Mango Tango

Baby Leafy - Lemon Drop

Baby Pockets - Tea Rose OR Pink Sugar

Baby Hoppy - Mermaid

Baby Stripes and Nectar - Virgin Snow

Candy Cane Ponies

Caramel Crunch, Lemon Treats, Mint Dreams, Molasses, Sugar Apple, & Sugar Sweet

Caramel Crunch - Sugarberry, Virgin Snow

Lemon Treats - Envy, Virgin Snow

Mint Dreams - Wisteria, Virgin Snow

Molasses - Atomic Turquoise, Virgin Snow

Sugar Apple - Heartthrob, Virgin Snow

Sugar Sweet - Mermaid, Virgin Snow

Dance 'n Prance Ponies

D.J., Player, Songster, Swinger, Tap Dancer, & Twirler

D.J. - Lemon Drop

Player - Pussycat

Songster - Atomic Turquoise

Swinger - Lucky Clover

Tap Dancer - Mango Tango

Twirler - Heartthrob

Fancy Pants Baby Ponies

Babies Bows, Dots 'n Hearts, Glider, Splashes, Starburst, & Sunnybunch

Baby Bows - Pussycat

Baby Dots 'n Hearts - Mermaid, Virgin Snow

Baby Glider - Virgin Snow, Electric Banana

Baby Splashes - Wisteria

Baby Starburst - Atomic Turquoise

Baby Sunnybunch - Yellow Fever, Virgin Snow

Loving Family Ponies

Apple Delight Family, Bright Bouquet Family, & Sweet Celebrations Family

Daddy Apple Delight - Golden Delicious

Mommy Apple Delight - Heartthrob

Baby Sister Apple Delight - Golden Delicious, Heartthrob

Daddy Bright Bouquet - Atomic Turquoise

Mommy Bright Bouquet - Wisteria

Baby Sister Bright Bouquet - Water Nixie, Wisteria

Daddy Sweet Celebrations - Sea Nymph

Mommy Sweet Celebrations - Tea Rose OR Pink Sugar

Baby Brother Sweet Celebrations - Sea Nymph, Tea Rose OR Pink Sugar

Merry Go Round Ponies

Brilliant Blossoms, Diamond Dreams, Flower Bouquet, Sparkler, Sunny Bunch, & Tassels

Brilliant Blossoms - Yellow Fever

Diamond Dreams - Sugarberry

Flower Bouquet - Pussycat

Sparkler - Mermaid

Sunny Bunch - Key Lime

Tassels - Heartthrob

Newborn Ponies

Babies Dangles, Shaggy, Squirmy, Tappy, Wiggles, & Yo-Yo

Baby Dangles - Atomic Turquoise 

Baby Shaggy - Heartthrob

Baby Squirmy - Mermaid

Baby Tappy - Lemonade

Baby Wiggles - Virgin Snow

Baby Yo-Yo - Pussycat

Perfume Puff Ponies

Dainty Dahlia, Daisy Sweet, Lavender Lace, Red Roses, Sweet Lily, & Sweet Suds


The matches below are for these ponies' forelocks only. There is currently no textural match for the "puff" hair. Most customizers/restorers use either donor hair or brushed out acrylic yarn. I Kick Shins appears to have a close match in their Kanekalon Jumbo Braid section. If anyone decides to order and compare, please reach out to me!

Dainty Dahlia - Pussycat

Daisy Sweet - Lemonade

Lavender Lace - Envy

Red Roses - Pussycat

Sweet Lily - Virgin Snow

Sweet Suds - Water Nixie

Playtime Baby Brother Ponies

Babies Countdown, Drummer, Leaper, Paws, Racer, & Waddles

Baby Countdown - Forget Me Not

Baby Drummer - Peaches and Cream

Baby Leaper - Golden Delicious

Baby Paws - Heartthrob

Baby Racer - Atomic Turquoise

Baby Waddles - Key Lime

Princess Brush 'n Grow Ponies

Princesses Brilliant Bloom, Glittering Gem, Skylark, & Star Gleamer

Princess Brilliant Bloom - Mermaid, Pussycat, Wisteria

Princess Glittering Gem - Virgin Snow, Yellow Fever, Heartthrob

Princess Skylark - Tea Rose, Wisteria, Sour Grapes

Princess Star Gleamer - Yellow Fever, Heartthrob, Pussycat

Sparkle Ponies

Napper, Sky Rocket, Star Dancer, Star Hopper, Sunspot, & Twinkler

Napper - Wisteria

Sky Rocket - Sugarberry

Star Dancer - Atomic Turquoise

Star Hopper - Yellow Fever

Sunspot - Pussycat

Twinkler - Sour Grapes

Sunshine Ponies

Beach Ball, Mainsail, Sand Digger, Seaflower, Shoreline, & Wave Runner

The color-changing stripes are likely UV polypropylene hair. While My Little Customs, The Doll Hair Emporium, and ShimmerLocks each offer a type of UV hair, they may not be exact matches to original pony hair. For those concerned with accuracy, donor hair is your best bet.

Beachball - Water Nixie

Mainsail - Yellow Fever

Sand Digger - Mermaid

Seaflower - Forget Me Not

Shoreline - Pussycat

Wave Runner - Sea Nymph

Sweetheart Sister Ponies

Dainty, Fancy Flower, Flowerburst, Frilly Flower, Spring Song, & Wild Flower

Dainty - Heartthrob

Fancy Flower - Pussycat

Flowerburst - Forget Me Not

Frilly Flower - Mermaid

Spring Song - Wisteria

Wild Flower - Peaches and Cream

Windy Wing Ponies

Cool Breeze, Flurry, Moon Jumper, Starry Wings, Sun Glider, & Whirly

Cool Breeze - Envy

Flurry - Pussycat

Moon Jumper - Atomic Turquoise

Starry Wings - Heartthrob

Sun Glider - Mermaid

Whirly - Lemon Drop

Special Release Ponies
Megan and Twice As Fancy Sundance

The color-changing stripes are likely UV polypropylene hair. While My Little Customs, The Doll Hair Emporium, and ShimmerLocks each offer a type of UV hair, they may not be exact matches to original pony hair. For those concerned with accuracy, donor hair is your best bet.

Megan - Buttercreme

Sundance - Pussycat

Mail Order Ponies

Li'l Tot, Clipper, Tux 'n Tails, Baby Pearlized Ponies, Pretty Mane Ponies, & Baby Sister Ponies

Li'l Tot - Heartthrob

Clipper - Virgin Snow

Coat 'n Tails/Tux 'n Tails - Atomic Turquoise

Pearlized Baby Ponies

Baby Blossom - Virgin Snow

Baby Cotton Candy - Pussycat

Baby Firefly - Atomic Turquoise

Baby Glory - Wisteria

Baby Moondreamer - Raspberry Sorbet or Heartthrob

Baby Surprise - Electric Banana

Pretty Mane Ponies

NOTE: There is currently no match for these ponies' manes. The same effect can be acheived by gradient-dyeing, but color results may be different.

Dabble - Mane, Mermaid/Sour Grapes; Tail, Sour Grapes

Scribbles -  Mane, Heartthrob/Golden Delicious; Tail, Heartthrob

Baby Sisters

Li'l Cupcake - Water Nixie

Li'l Sweetcake - Tea Rose OR Pink Sugar